Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Teachers' Certificates


Our final video.
Makbule Dervişoğulları/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


We had our closing webinar on 22nd of May, and presented the certificates of participants.
We gave an eye to our project virtual exhibition and watched our final video. 
Thanks to all members for their efforts. 
Makbule Dervişoğulları/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Closing Meeting Webinar

We had our closing meeting webinar on 22nd of May with teachers and students.It was a great experience to take part in this project with a perfect team.Thanks to all members of the project.

(Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S-Uşak)

Our closing webinar with teachers and students.
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School



I prepared an animation movie by combining the animations of each team.This animation is a joint work of our project.Thanks to all students and mentor teachers.
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School

Saturday, May 15, 2021

                                                 My students' certificates, I appreciate them alot.

                                Makbule Dervişoğulları/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


My Students' Certificates
Ayşe Tuğçe GECE/İslamdağ Secondary School

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

My Students' Certificates

                                                                Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S.-Uşak

My Students'  Certificate.
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School


Monday, May 10, 2021

                                                    Happy eTwinning Day to Everyone 😊

We had a chatroom meeting with all teachers and students to choose the best title of our joint work, comics ebook.


Team 2 comics ebook   (Ayşe Tuğçe GECE-İslamdağ Secondary School)


As team 2, after our students have completed their animation tasks, we had a survey to choose the best parts. For the first part Melike's video got the most of the votes.

For the part two, Fatma's video has been chosen by the most votes. As mentor teacher I combined these two parts and  prepared the second part of our joint work.
(Ayşe Tuğçe Gece/ İslamdağ Secondary School)



Our Slogan Collage Designed by Team 2  (Ayşe Tuğçe GECE-İslamdağ Secondary School)

Sunday, May 9, 2021

We had a chatroom meeting with all students and teachers in order to choose the best title for comics e book.
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School


We had a meeting with the students and teachers on chat room on 8th of May and talked about the best title of the comics e-book.(Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S-Uşak)


Saturday, May 8, 2021


                             my best friend animations e book by team 2

Team 2 students prepared their presentations about their best friends using powerpoint, google slides and bitmoji web2.0 tools.This e book was prepared by mentor teacher Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU by I love pdf and calameo web2.0 tools. Thanks to all Team 2  students and mentor teachers for their efforts.

                   Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School

Thursday, May 6, 2021

My students created their comics by using "Comic Page Creator"tool. (Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S-Uşak)


As team 4 members we had Zoom meeting on 4th of May to write the last part of the comics via "note.ly" tool. (Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S-Uşak)


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

It is the questionnarie in order to choose the best title for our story.It was prepared by using Surveymonkey.According to the results , There are two titles receiving the most votes.They are "Real Friends " and " Best Friends Forever".
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

While Team 1 students were making comics by Comic Page Creator.
Makbule DERVİŞOĞULLARI/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


As team 1, we had a zoom meeting to write the first part of the comics.
Makbule DERVİŞOĞULLARI/Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


Here is the first part of the animation by Team 1.
Makbule DERVİŞOĞULLARI/Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


As team 1, our students made the first part of the friendship animation via Plotagon.
Makbule DERVİŞOĞULLARI/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Best Friend Presentations of Team 4 

An e-book for the best friend presentations of Team 4 was created by Melahat YILDIRIM-Uşak

Firstly,I converted PPT to PDF via" ilovepdf " tool and then combined them by using "Calameo" tool.It was a great experience for me.

The students in team 4 finished creating their animations about the friendship story and then I prepared a survey to choose the best parts of the our animations.For the first part Beyza C.'s (Uşak) video was chosen and for the second part Noemi's video was chosen and then I combined these two animation videos by using "Video Show"programme.-Melahat Yıldırım-İlyaslı S.S.-Uşak


Friday, April 30, 2021


My students made their comics by Comics Page Creator.

In order to write the second part of the comics , we had a zoom meeting with all our students and mentor teachers.The second part have been completed.

Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/ Şeyhli Secondary School

Thursday, April 15, 2021

We had a great webinar yesterday evening. Our guest was Specialist Psychological Counselor Gülbin DEMİR CELAYİR. She gave information about 'Friendships During Adolescence'. Thanks to her and all the participants.
Makbule DERVİŞOĞULLARI/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


Sunday, March 28, 2021

As Team 2 , They completed to write 2nd part of the story on twinspace and prepared their animations on Plotagon.

Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU/Şeyhli Secondary School


Friday, March 26, 2021

Creating Animations On Plotagon Story

I informed my students about how to use Plotagon Story and then they created their animations about the last of part of the story as team 4. (Melahat Yıldırım İlyaslı S.S.-Uşak)

Writing The Last Part Of The Story

My students went on writing the 4th part of the story as team 4. (Melahat Yıldırım - İlyaslı S. S. - Uşak) 



Monday, March 22, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021


According to personal traits on linoit, students created word clouds about friendship and designed their letters for the favorite motto of Team 2 by using some web 2 tools.
Merve BOSTANCIOĞLU DAYIOĞLU /Şeyhli Secondary School

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

     We wrote traits of a best friend and mottos about Friendship on Linoit as Team 2. Then we created wordclouds about Friendship and uploaded them into Twinspace. Now, it's time to choose the best motto in Discussion forum. Later, Team 2 students will design the best motto by letters applications.                                        (Ayşe Tuğçe Gece)