Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Teachers' Certificates


Our final video.
Makbule Dervişoğulları/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


We had our closing webinar on 22nd of May, and presented the certificates of participants.
We gave an eye to our project virtual exhibition and watched our final video. 
Thanks to all members for their efforts. 
Makbule Dervişoğulları/ Pendik Merkez İmam Hatip Secondary School


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Closing Meeting Webinar

We had our closing meeting webinar on 22nd of May with teachers and students.It was a great experience to take part in this project with a perfect team.Thanks to all members of the project.

(Melahat YILDIRIM-İlyaslı S.S-Uşak)